It seems like life goes by so fast! I can't believe it's already August. In November, Clay and and I will be married for 2 years!
Sometimes it amazes me how much we've been through in that short amount of time. Clay was laid off, both of our cars had to be replaced, and several other smaller circumstances. And God saw us through it all! Clay took the opportunity to go back to school and work on his MBA. We were able to buy two cars with cash and pay off student loans. It's really amazing when you start to think about it :)
That brings me to the last couple weeks. Clay had been applying for jobs and internships while still attending school. He was tired of being at home :) On his birthday, he got a call to come back for a second interview. He went in the next day and came home with a job!
He started work this past week and has enjoyed it. I won't's been a bit of an adjustment for me. I'm used to him being at home when I'm not working. I was off Monday and Wednesday, and had the house to myself. I was able to get a lot of things done (I'll write more about that later), but I did miss him.
Now we get to go on vacation tomorrow. I am very excited! We will be able to relax and spend some time together before our schedules get really crazy! (We both start school the next week.)
I thank God that he has taken care of us through the small and big situations that have come our way. I know that He will continue to lead us. It may not always be easy, but His way is best :)
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